Hi! I'm

Ohio, United States
Ohio, United States
Hello 👋, my name is Flamality, but feel free to call me
Remi! I'm a website and game developer with a strong dedication to
crafting intuitive and engaging user experiences. With a
background in Front-End development and UX design, my primary
focus is on creating seamless, visually appealing, and
user-friendly interfaces that users will love to interact with.
While my expertise lies in building dynamic, responsive websites
and applications, I also have experience working on Back-End
development, allowing me to deliver well-rounded solutions. I am
driven by the belief that great design is more than just
aesthetics—it's about understanding user behavior and creating
interfaces that make their experience smoother, faster, and more
Whether it's developing custom websites or working on interactive
game elements, I bring creativity, attention to detail, and a
commitment to delivering high-quality results. Feel free to
explore my work and reach out—I'm always excited to collaborate
and create something amazing together!
A website made from straight HTMl, CSS, and JavaScript made for a content creator in my free time. The website includes many different pages, documents, and lots of information about the content creator.
HTML CSS Javascript
A communications app inspired by chat platforms like Discord and Guilded, made with React. Currently still in the start of development phase.
React Firebase CSS
A simple color picking web app made from react using React Color library.
React CSS Javascript